Sacramento Friends Meeting is an “Unprogrammed” Quaker Meeting worshiping in silence without a pastor, liturgy or structured order. We all have the Light within and share as led. Sacramento Meeting worships at 10:00am every Sunday, both online and in-person at the Meetinghouse. • 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays – Online and Meetinghouse worship is separate. • 2nd & 4th Sundays – Online and Meetinghouse worship is combined. On 1st and 3rd Sundays at the Meetinghouse, Early Worship begins at 9:45am, and continues into the regular 10:00am worship. A children’s program is available at the Meetinghouse at 10:00am on every Sunday. After worship, Meetinghouse Friends have refreshments while online Friends visit in breakout rooms. There are often Second Hour programs beginning at 11:45am, and these are frequently combined. See the Meeting Calendar at this link for a schedule. Meeting Calendar The Meetinghouse is located at 890 57th Street, Sacramento, CA 95819. • When at the Meetinghouse, the decision to wear a mask is left to the individual. The Meetinghouse is now available for rental to like-minded groups or individuals in the community to further faith-based, peacemaking, educational, therapeutic or other social service work. For building rentals, click the Rental Space menu item above. |