Quakers come in different “flavors” today. Friends who worship in silence are often called “unprogrammed” or “nonpastoral” Friends, while those who follow pastor-led Biblically-based worship are called “programmed” or “pastoral” Friends. Sacramento Friends Meeting is an unprogrammed meeting.
“Quakerism is a spiritual path for our time: simple, radical and contemporary.”
— Friends General Conference
Pacific Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice, 2001
Links to Monthly Advices and Queries
Quaker Faith and Spiritual Practice
- January – Meeting for Worship
- February – Spiritual Life
- March – Meeting for Worship for Business
- April – Stewardship and Vocation
- May – Harmony with Creation
- June – Social and Civic Responsibility
- July – Reaching Out
- August – Simplicity
- September – Integrity and Personal Conduct
- October – Personal Relationships
- November – Peace
- December – The Meeting Community
SFM Children’s Advices & Queries*
January – Meeting for Worship
It takes practice to worship.
Do I come into Meeting ready to be quiet?
Do I feel the presence of God in the silence?
Are there other times in my life when I experience silence?
February – Spiritual Life
We grow in our spirits as well as our bodies.
Am I aware of God in my daily life?
How do I learn about God?
Who can I talk to about God?
How does our meeting help me learn about God?
March – Meeting for Worship for Business
God can work through us when we bring silent worship into decision making meetings.
When I participate in group activities do I listen and share with my friends and others?
Am I careful to use words that aren’t hurtful to others?
How do I show respect to others?
How do people in our meeting show respect to each other?
April – Stewardship and Vocation
Stewardship means that we help take care of our community. Vocation is
something you just know you’re meant to do.
Do I help other people?
Do I listen to my heart in choosing what to do?
Do I share what I can without trying something I am not big enough for?
Does my behavior at school go with my life as a Quaker?
How does our meeting help us make wise decisions?
May – Harmony with Creation
We are part of the community of life on earth.
How do I thank God for this world?
What am I doing to help the earth?
Did someone harm the earth so I could have what I want?
Do I have enough?
How does our meeting show that we are thankful for creation?
June – Social & Civic Responsibility
Social and civic responsibility means caring about other people in your community.
What does it mean to be a responsible person?
What can I do if I see something that is not fair?
How do I try to help other people?
Do I know how my Meeting is serving the community and do I help?
July – Reaching Out
Reaching out means talking about what I believe with others.
Do people know what I believe by the things I do and say?
Do I know what my friends believe?
How do I learn about Quaker beliefs?
How do I treat people who talk differently or look different from me?
Am I friendly to new people who come to First Day school?
Does my Meeting help me know how to describe my beliefs as a Quaker?
August – Simplicity
Simplicity begins when God is at the center of our lives.
Do I ask God to help me make my decisions?
Am I wasteful with food, school supplies, money or other things in my life?
Do I want all the toys I see on television, even though my room is full?
Do I tell the truth?
Do I know when I have enough?
Does my Meeting help me understand how to live simply?
September – Integrity & Personal Conduct
Integrity means speaking and behaving honestly all the time.
Do I keep my promises even when it is hard?
Do I speak and act kindly, making sure that no one is hurt by what I do or say?
If my heart tells me something is wrong, do I speak up?
Do I ask for help when I don’t know what to do?
Does my Meeting help me understand how to take care of my body because it is a gift from
October – Personal Relationships
We are all children of God. We try to see that of God in everyone.
Do I feel God’s love for myself, others in my home, and all people?
Am I kind?
Do I help others?
If someone hurts me, what do I do?
How does our meeting help all of us be loving to the people in our lives?
November – Peace
When we feel God’s love, we try to solve problems with love, not with anger or violence.
Do I think about God’s love for all people?
Am I fair?
What do I do if I see someone hurting another person?
What kinds of help do people need?
When I know that someone is angry, do I ask myself why?
What does our meeting do to promote peace?
December – The Meeting Community
We care for one another in our meeting.
Am I friendly to others in our meeting?
Do I welcome those who are new?
Do I help others in our meeting?
How do the people in our meeting care for each other?
*Developed by a Member of Sacramento Friends Meeting